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IPFS powers the Distributed Web A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to preserve and grow humanity's knowledge by making the web upgradeable, resilient, and more open. The web of tomorrow needs IPFS today IPFS aims to surpass HTTP in order to build a better web for all of us. Today's web is inefficient and expensive HTTP downloads files from one server at a time — but peer-to-peer IPFS retrieves pieces from multiple nodes at once, enabling substantial bandwidth savings. With  up to 60% savings for video,  IPFS makes it possible to efficiently distribute high volumes of data without duplication. Today's web can't preserve humanity's history The average lifespan of a web page is 100 days  before it's gone forever. The medium of our era shouldn't be this fragile. IPFS makes it simple to set up resilient networks for mirroring data, and thanks to content addressing, files stored using IPFS are automatically versioned. Today's web is centralized, limit

Oracle Fragmentation

select    table_name,round((blocks*8),2) "size (kb)" ,    round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2) "actual_data (kb)",    (round((blocks*8),2) - round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)) "wasted_space (kb)" from    dba_tables where    (round((blocks*8),2) > round((num_rows*avg_row_len/1024),2)) order by 4 desc;

SLPProxyHand 500

SUM Issue *** ERROR => SLPProxyHandlerFactory::ConnectContext called but ctx->operationID is NULL   [SLPProxyHand 500] Upgrade SAP Host Agent *** ERROR => SLPProxyHandlerFactory::ConnectContext called but ctx->operationID is NULL   [SLPProxyHand 503] Kill all services starting with   : ps -ef|grep sap

How to reset password for user "sys" in Oracle?

How to reset password for user "sys" in Oracle? Solution: Delete pwdniku.ora from /$ORACLE_HOME/dbs folder  Run command orapwd file=/$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwniku.ora password=system entries=10  Connect to Oralce using sqlplus /nolog  Run command inside SQL prompt: connect sys/system as sysdba  Run command: alter user system identified by system;  At this point your user "system" password has been changed to system in this example  Connect to SQLPLUS: sqlplus system/system  Run command: alter user sys identified by system;  Your sys password now has been changed


error :  kernel runs with dp version 140000(ext=121000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-140000-UC) length of sys_adm_ext is 592 bytes *** ERROR => Shared Memory Key 57 (SHM_PROFILE) already exist [dpxxdisp.c   1124] *** ERROR => dispatcher already running ???? [dpxxdisp.c   1125] *** ERROR => I better EXIT before I do any (more) damage [dpxxdisp.c   1126] Fix cleanipc <Instance Number> remove

SAP Router Installation

1. Copy d:\usr\sap\saprouter from existing server  to new server . 2. Open a command prompt with administrator rights (right click and select "run as administrator"). 3. navigate to D:\usr\sap\saprouter 4. execute the following command: D:\usr\sap\saprouter>ntscmgr install SAProuter -b d:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouter.exe -p "service -r -R d:\usr\sap\saprouter\SAPROUTTAB" Result should be: CreateService SUCCESS 5. Open SAProuter service and set startup type to "Automatic" 6. Modify SAProuter service and set Log On to "This account: .\sapadmin" and enter password. 7. Done!